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Hillary Clinton 'Wins Democratic Nomination'

Hillary Clinton has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a tally by the Associated Press. If their count is right, she will become the first woman to top the ticket of a major US political party.

Reluctant to celebrate too soon, Mrs Clinton greeted the news by saying she is on the brink of a "historic, unprecedented moment". The former Secretary of State told supporters gathered at a campaign event in Long Beach, California, there was still work to do as six states, including California and New Jersey, prepare for decisive votes on Tuesday.

Replying to an AP Politics tweet declaring her nomination, she added: "We’re flattered, @AP, but we've got primaries to win. CA, MT, NM, ND, NJ, SD, vote tomorrow!" According to the AP count, Mrs Clinton has commitments from 2,383 delegates - the magic number needed to win the nomination.

It says she has 1,812 pledged delegates, won in primaries and caucuses, and the support of 571 party insiders, known as superdelegates. If the count is confirmed, Mrs Clinton will go head-to-head in the presidential race against presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Her party rival Bernie Sanders immediately rejected the tally insisting it is too soon to declare her the official Democratic nominee as superdelegates can change their minds up until the party's convention in July. He has pledged to work over the coming weeks to sway their vote.

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